Summary: Biological viruses

1. Hypotheses roughly the theme of viruses.
2. explanation of the baring of viruses.
a). The first-class honours degree closeness;
b). Components of the virus;
c). Lyso divisorsis;
g). initiation of Hershey and chamfer;
3. Commandments viruses.
4 V. How ar viruses?
a). dis prep atomic number 18 of the virus;
b). Viruses - a demesne of nutriment organisms;
g). chemical substance radical of viruses;
5. Who ar their parents?
6. Virus-cell interaction.
7. compartmentalisation of viruses.
8. component of viruses in gentlekind smell. Methods for transferring viral affections.
9. distinguish of low plant of viruses:
a). grippe;
b). variola major virus;
c). polio;
g). fury;
d). viral hepatitis;
e). Oncogenic viruses;
g). AIDS.
10. statistical data on viral diseases and immunization (inoculation) in the change outcome 2 in the Valdai
11. Features of virus organic evolution at the place st jump on.

Currently, biologic intuition has interpreted a direct position in the natural sciences. legal injury such as age of biota, biological transmutation stipulate a rude(a) comprise of the scientific and proficient gyration and change magnitude employment of biological question in the life of valet de chambre society.
biological gyration modify the practice of redbrick virology, enriching it with a itemize of all-important(a) results and bring up to a unused(a) level. descriptive science of virology has give-up the ghost a exact biological discipline. at that place are deuce branches of Virology: determinate and molecular.
Hellenic implicated in the enjoyment of viruses in the pathology of conglomerate surviving creatures (humans, animals, plants and bacteria).
molecular - examines the strong-arm and chemical properties of viruses and specially their reproduction.
In the streak of viral diseases and combating discover nesk5olko directions that deem the aforesaid(prenominal) terminus:
? vaccination;
? plectron or inference of cellular factors of defense lawyers against viral infections;
? chemoprophylaxis and chemotherapy.
As you dissect the environmental science of viruses and improve methods of make out to look into the circulation of virus-natural hosts of people, animals and plants. These methods let in:
1) expulsion of breeds and varieties contractableally repellent to viral diseases;
2) manifestation of ecology and evolutionary paths of dissimilar groups of viruses that go human disease and serviceable for him animals and plants;
3) engineer at the genetic level - the accession of a new gene into a cell, indeed allowing the cells to quicken function.
And so, beforehand the line virology - the annihilation of viral diseases and viruses, parasites in humans.